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Zen Bodhi Leaf Tea Strainer


Suitable for use with Tea Ceremonies

Incense not included

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Enhance your tea ritual with the Zen Bodhi Leaf Tea Strainer, an elegantly designed accessory that embodies tranquility and mindfulness. Shaped like a Bodhi leaf, which is symbolic of enlightenment and peace in many spiritual traditions, this strainer is not just functional but also deeply meaningful.

Crafted from high-quality materials, the strainer effectively filters tea leaves, allowing for a clear, smooth infusion. Its unique Bodhi leaf design adds a touch of nature-inspired beauty to your tea experience, making each brewing session a moment of Zen.

Compact and easy to use, the Zen Bodhi Leaf Tea Strainer is perfect for daily use or special meditation sessions. It's an ideal tool for anyone seeking to deepen their mindfulness practices through the art of tea. Whether used at home or given as a thoughtful gift to a tea lover, this strainer is a charming addition to any tea set.

Product Features

+Classic simplicity

+Enhances the sensory experience of tea drinking

+Ideal for collectors and connoisseurs

+Not just for use, but a masterpiece for display
